Roles: Administrator | Interface: Web
Why Start with Employees?
Setting up employees is the first step when configuring an ON!Track account. Employees are the backbone of ON!Track and essential for creating assets and performing transfers. Employees are defined by roles such as:
- Account administrators
- Employees responsible for locations
- Asset owners
- Users responsible for assets during use
- Certification managers for employee compliance
Not every employee needs access to ON!Track, but assigning assets to specific people helps improve accountability and reduce losses or damages.
Understanding Roles
Roles determine what information users can access and edit. This allows control over which employees can perform specific tasks. ON!Track comes with four standard roles:
- Admin: Full access to everything, including the ability to delete other admins.
- Everyone: Basic access, typically assigned to jobsite employees.
- Technical User: For customers using the "UNITE" connector to transfer data automatically to their ERP system. Do not delete these users.
- Support Admin: Granted to Hilti employees for initial setup and support, valid for 30 days before automatic deletion.
Creating an Employee
Employees can only be created on the web version of ON!Track by users with the appropriate permissions. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Navigate to the "Employee" Tab: Click on the "+" icon at the top to start creating a new employee.
Defining the Basics
You'll see a blank template. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.
- Name: Enter the employee's name.
- Image: Optionally, upload a photo.
- Designation: Customize based on the your specific needs.
- Contract Type: Identify if the employee is temporary, agency, or full-time.
- Responsibility: Choose from None, Responsible Employee, or Location Manager.
- Cost Centre: Maintain the employee's cost centre.
- Description: Add any additional details as needed.
Certificates and Identification
Assign certificates for training, driving licenses, etc., to track skills and compliance. Populate the scan code if used for transfers via the mobile app.
Contact Information
While most fields are optional, accurate contact information is useful.
- Telephone Number: Allows users to call the employee directly from the app.
- Notification Email: Set an email for alerts if the employee doesn't have a regular email address.
Application Access
Decide if the employee needs access to ON!Track.
- If "No", click "Complete" to create the employee.
- If "Yes", enable application access and fill in additional fields
Login Email
Where an employee is required to access ON!Track, we have to enable application access. To do so, we simply click the toggle.
In the corresponding fields we have the option to define a few things:
- Does the user have their own email address? Default is Yes, but if they don't we can create what we refer to as a domain user. We will look at this shortly
- Login email - The email address they will use to login
- Role - The main roles we have in ON!Track are Everyone and Admin. Admin should be only given to someone who needs full access. For general employees either "Everyone" or a custom role should be assigned
- Extend access - By this we populate the information in SAP such that the user can then access HOL and perform repairs etc.
Save Your Employee: Click "Complete" to create the employee.
Providing Access to Users Without an Email Address
Administrators sometimes need to grant access to users who don't have an email address, like temporary workers. For such cases, the admin creates "Domain Users" who can access ON!Track without a valid email address. This can only be done by the Admin who sets the password.
For GDPR compliance, a Hilti employee with Support Access are not allowed to create domain users, as we in Hilti would know their password.
In the process of granting domain access to an existing user, you will notice a few things.
- Username: The username is based on the your domain (e.g.,, Enter the identification part (e.g., first. second, or shortid). If you don't have a domain set in your ON!Track account, please reach out to customer service ( and we can set that up for you very quickly.
- Password: Set a password, following the requirements shown on the screen. This password should not be shared.
Note: If a domain user forgets their password, they can request a reset via the login screen. Admins will receive an email to manually reset the password for the user requesting it.
Now that you've created your employees, you may be interested in: How to Create a Location in ON!Track
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