Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web, Mobile
What is special about adding a Hilti Asset?
Hilti tools can be onboarded to ON!Track with all details automatically, including lifetime service expiry and repair booking options. Tags on tools make onboarding easier, and we offer:
- Lifetime Service (LTS) tools: Shipped with passive tags;
- Fleet Management (FM) tools: Shipped with Bluetooth tags for advanced tracking.
Steps to add a Hilti asset:
For Web Platform:
- Main asset page: Click "+".
Manufacturer field: Select Hilti.
Select Hilti asset: Choose the asset from the list (model, serial number, etc.). For mobile, scan the barcode to auto-fill details.
Asset identification: Fields auto-filled. Please add the inventory number and a friendly name if you need them.
Additional information: Add asset group, labels, asset type (e.g., Van Gateway), and optional usage condition.
Asset location: Choose where it lives (warehouse, van, employee).
Ownership details: These are auto-filled from SAP. In this section, we will populate things like purchase dates, order details, and FM details (where applicable).
Service, attachments, notes: Add services, upload documents, and notes.
- Complete: Click "Complete" to add the asset. This will create our new asset and show it in the main asset list.
For ON!Track Mobile Application:
1. Click on the dashboard, add, select Unique Asset and fill out the details (Identification details, Asset details, etc.). Select Hilti as the Manufacturer.
2. Fill out the required details (Asset type, location responsible employee) and click on complete.
This process is similar and faster by scanning the tool tag.
Automated Tools On-boarding:
Please Note that Automated Tools On-boarding is only available for Hilti Assets and Tools.
- Settings are located under the Administrations tab: Hilti assets
There are 3 main sections:
- Registering new Hilti purchases
- Register existing unregistered purchases
- Default assignments
Registering new Hilti purchases
- If the setting is set to manual, no new Hilti tools will be automatically registered and the following 2 sections are hidden.
- If the setting is set to automatic, all new Hilti tools (LTS, fleet, rented, loaned) will be automatically registered and the following 2 sections will be displayed.
Register existing unregistered purchases.
- You can view the existing unregistered tools via the following button:
This list of existing unregistered tools is view-only for the user.
- This enables users to decide whether to include or exclude these tools for automated onboarding. Selection of specific tools within the list is not possible.
- Users can then select the option to either exclude or include the displayed tools in the automated onboarding process.
- If the user chooses the include option, the onboarding process will immediately be triggered once the user clicks Save changes on the main settings screen.
Default assignments
- The user can choose to which location and responsible employee all new and existing tools will be automatically registered.
- These assignments can be adjusted at any time and the updated default location or employee will be effective once the user clicks Save changes on the main settings screen.
For details about the different tags in our portfolio, you can check: ON!Track - Hardware Portfolio
If you want to add a non-Hilti asset, you can check: How to Add a non-Hilti asset in ON!Track
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