How do I perform an Inventory Check?

  • Updated

Roles: Employee | Interface: Mobile App

What is an Inventory Check?

Once assets are added to your account and assigned to locations, ensuring accuracy and transparency is important. Customers might ask users to perform inventory checks to confirm what assets they have. ON!Track makes this process simple by showing what should be found ("Expected") and using passive and BLE tags to identify and validate assets quickly.

During an inventory check, assets are grouped into three categories:

  1. Not Found: Assets assigned to the location but not yet scanned or validated.
  2. Found: Assets assigned to the location that have been scanned or validated.
  3. Unexpected: Assets not assigned to the location but have been scanned or validated.

The ON!Track tool supports:

Local Inventory

 Smart Inventory

Uses ON!Track Mobile Application Uses via stationary, Van and HE gateways

An inventory check is limited to a single device.

Inventory checks involve physically verifying whether a tool is present at a specific location.

Scan Radius: Depends on the mobile phone model

Scan Radius: 30 meters/ 100 feet

Connectivity: Through mobile network / Wi-Fi

Connectivity: SIM card inside, directly connects to the internet independently.

Location: It is determined through various means (GPS, mobile network, Wi-Fi) with multiple levels of accuracy.

Location: Determined using GPS, mobile network, and Wi-Fi for varied accuracy levels

Inventory checks can be resumed after taking a break. The smart inventory covers only the requested entity.

Inventory checks can be performed for a Location, Employee, or Storage asset. In the example below, we'll perform a simple inventory check for a warehouse using the iOS version of the mobile app (the process is the same for Android).

Steps to Perform an Inventory Check

  1. Initiate the Inventory Check: Open the ON!Track app on your mobile device and start the inventory check for the desired location.
  2. Scan Assets: Use the app to scan for assets. The app will automatically scan for assets with BLE tags and categorize them as Found or Unexpected. 
                                    WhatsApp Image 2024-04-16 at 10.26.46 (2) (1).jpg
  3. Review Categories:
    • Not Found: These are assets assigned to the location but have not yet been scanned or validated.
    • Found: These are assets assigned to the location that have been scanned or validated.
    • Unexpected: These are assets not assigned to the location but have been scanned or validated.
  4. Submit Inventory Check: Once the check is complete, you can select who you want to send the report to and submit the report.
     WhatsApp Image 2024-04-16 at 10.26.46 (4).jpg   WhatsApp Image 2024-04-16 at 10.26.46 (5).jpg

Receiving the Report

After submitting the inventory check, the designated user will receive a report via PDF. This report will include details of what was Found, Not Found, and Unexpected.

Assets with BLE Tags

Assets with BLE tags will be automatically scanned during the inventory check. If found, they will be added to the Found or Unexpected lists and will be marked with "Bluetooth" under the Check method in the report.


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