How to identify if workers are hoarding assets?

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web

Pre - Requisites (if applicable):

The idle tracked assets are available only via the dashboard. The dashboard tracks idle assets and is unlimited for Lite and Pro users, with a 30-day trial available for On!Track Ready.


  • Click the “Dashboard” tab in the top navigation bar.

  • On the dashboard, click on the setting logo  and locate “Idle Tracked Assets.”
    • The Idle Tracked Assets provides connected assets that have been idle for over X days.
    • Add the Minimum and Maximum idle time (in days)
    • Select the required location type.
    • Click on Save.

Refer to the example below.

  • To see which employees/workers have assets assigned, follow the steps below:

    • Click on “Employees/Worker.”
    • In this view, tools are categorized as active or idle or total, and their ratios, are grouped by employee/worker names.

    • Click on “See Selected Idle Assets and Transfer” below the table to access a detailed list of idle or hoarded tools assigned to that employee.

  • To focus on a specific employee, click on their name from the list.

List of individual idle and hoarded tools by a specific employee including more details, such as employee name, serial number and tool status. Assets can be transferred from here.

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If you are interested to know how to access and view idle time on the ON!Track web platform, please check: How to access and view idle time?

If you are interested in knowing how to set-up and use idle time in the asset list on the ON!Track web platform, please check: How to set-up and use idle time in asset list?

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