How do I Assign Employee Certificates to Employees?

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web

This feature allows you to efficiently assign new certificates to your employees, such as driver's licenses and First Aid certificates, ensuring compliance and safety within your organization.


  • Open the employee tab on ON!Track web.
  • Choose the employee to whom you wish to assign a certificate.

  • Click on edit.
  • Scroll down to the certificate section and click "Manage Certificates".
  • The "Manage Certificate" window opens, select the "Assign Certificate" button to assign the certificate you want to assign to the employee.

Please note that a single employee can have multiple certificates assigned to them.

  • Choose the certificate template from the dropdown menu, which were created in the certificate template section.

  • Select the status of the certificate (Active or Archived), and Add the Certificate number (Optional).
  • Specify the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the certificate. You can select "Lifetime" if the certificate does not expire. Add comments if needed.
  • Add the attachment (attachment format mentioned below) to the certificate, give the name to the attachment and click one Assign.

Please note that only one attachment can be added per employee certificate.

The required certificate will be assigned to the employee.

Note :

  • Certificate attachments can have a 20MB maximum file size.
  • Possible file formats:.pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp files only.
  • Certificate Number (Optional, max 36 characters, all characters allowed) 

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If you want to learn how to create a certificate template for employees, please check this article: How do I create Employee Certificates Templates?

If want to know more about how to renew employee certificates, please check: How do I Renew Employee Certificates?

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