What are Quantity Items:
The countable items at the warehouse, jobsite called Quantity items. Often these items are consumed on site and do not come back. Like nails, screws, cable and or pipe. It can also be items that are in quantity so to speak and having them have unique serial number does not make practical sense. Like scaffolding parts, Concrete mixing buckets and so on. Items with unique serial number and that require checks and certifications should not be added as Quantity items but as Unique assets in the Assets tab of ON!Track.
Why to add Quantity Items:
Many fore mentioned quantity item types are hard to manage in practice and ON!Track offers a way to track the availability and consumption of these Quantity items. Quite a bit of money can be saved by knowing your Quantity item inventory with availability. Knowing consumption history will help you in estimating material needs.
Follow below steps to add the Quantity items:
- Login into your ON!Track web application, and click Quantity items.
- Click on '+' icon to open the Add quantity item window.
- Enter the Scan code number and Inventory number into respective field.
- Add the Quantity item details:
- Type the manufacturer details, if the keyword is already available then it will appear in dropdown suggestions, if not then it will ask for the new creation, see below figures.
- Enter the Model details if applicable.
- Select the unit of measuring from dropdown list in Stock unit field. Mark the checkbox to make the default status as consumed for transfers. Attach an image of the quantity item for better reference.
NOTE: You can add the image by drag and drop option, and by clicking on '+' icon. Only one image is allowed to add.
- Type the manufacturer details, if the keyword is already available then it will appear in dropdown suggestions, if not then it will ask for the new creation, see below figures.
- Adding the Asset group:
Enter the desired asset group name in text field to differentiate the items in warehouse/jobsite.
NOTE: If the keyword is already available, then it will appear in dropdown suggestions, if not then it will ask for the new creation.
NOTE: The default asset group name displays as Ungrouped, see below figures. - Enter the name and description of the quantity item in the respective fields.
- Enter the desired label name in the text field to differentiate the items in warehouse.
NOTE: If the keyword is already available then it will appear in dropdown suggestions, if not then it will ask for the new creation. - Enter the One-time cost if applicable.
NOTE: Default currency displays as EURO, it can be changed from company settings. - Attach the below file types for better reference, if applicable.
NOTE: You can add the multiple files by drag and drop option, or by clicking on '+' icon. - Add the note if any.
- If cost is applicable select Daily, if not then select None, see below figures.
NOTE: Default currency displays as EURO, it can be changed from company settings. - Click Complete button to submit the information.
NOTE: If provided information is correct, then the confirmation window appears.- The quantity item is added successfully.
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