July 2024 - Release note

  • Updated


Support for Multiple Technical Users: ON!Track Unite now supports multiple technical users per account. This allows you to configure different technical users for each integration, providing greater flexibility.

Enhanced Transfer API: We have improved the reliability of syncing your asset transfers with external software. Creating transfers is now seamless and error-free.

Equipment Management Improvement Request

Date convention: Aligned date format in export & import files across ON!Track (e.g. Hilti asset import template)


Bug Fixes

We are thrilled to announce that the following bugs have been addressed:

  • Fixed an issue on iOS where the mobile app was crashing when using the Nearby and Identify functions.
  • Fixed an issue where the search function did not work for "ungrouped" asset groups when using the German and Dutch languages.
  • Resolved the problem where users were unable to edit and save specific assets that are linked to previously deleted users.
  • Corrected the issue where some location names were not displayed in reports for quantity items.
  • Resolved an issue where some users were receiving unintended emails from the system.
  • Resolved an issue where selecting an asset resulted in an "Unable to perform action" error and asset details were not displayed.
  • Corrected a problem where editing an asset using an asset template created an incorrect service.
  • Fixed an uncommon issue related to the inability to scan assets in the Transfer Cart due to permission issues.
  • Resolved an issue where users' previously entered information was deleted after taking a photo while registering an asset.
  • Addressed occasional failures in creating transfers with a 404 error and "Resource not found" messages.
  • Fixed an issue in the ACR Report where the stock quantity was incorrect for charge details.
  • Resolved an issue where a "404 error" would occur when creating transfers with a correct Unite API request. Creating transfers is now smoother and error-free.
  • Corrected a problem where translation issues in ON!Track Ready for Japanese caused inaccuracies or inconsistencies in language support.
  • Fixed minor issues affecting the display and management of Hilti tools sold in different accounts and managed under a single ON!Track account within the Account Hierarchy.
  • Fixed an issue preventing automatic tool onboarding by removing a specific validation when the delivery date was empty, allowing for smoother tool onboarding.

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