What is a Location Hierarchy?

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web

The Location Hierarchy feature gives you the possibility to organize your company into different locations. It helps you understand the structure of your organization and makes managing operations easier.

In general, a location group can contain one or multiple jobsites, warehouses or further location groups.

Example: The location group 'Munich' contains 4 jobsites in the city of Munich, 2 warehouses and two more location groups called 'Munich South' and 'Munich North'. 


  • Archived Locations are excluded from the hierarchy.
  • Up to 7 hierarchy levels are allowed.
  • Locations can be renamed in the hierarchy view after having set them up
  • Deleting a parent Location Group moves all nested locations up one level.
  • Jobsites or Warehouses can only be deleted if they have no assigned Assets or Quantity Items.
  • Locations of all types can be grouped based on the rules below:
  Location Group Warehouse Jobsite
Location Group can be under (tick) (error) (error)

Warehouse can be under

(tick) (tick) (tick)
Jobsite can be under (tick)




You can access the hierarchy tab under 'Administration'-->Locations--> Hierarchy.

line 2.png

If you want to Add a location within the Hierarchy, please check this article: How to Add a Location within the Location Hierarchy?

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