What are the capabilities and performance differences of the various ON!Track gateways?

  • Updated



Stationary Gateway

AI G125

Vehicle Gateway

TU-600 (VIM)

Telematics Gateway (Heavy equipment)

TU-600 (HEM)

Device range (Range of the Gateway)

30 m

With a clear line of sight

30 m

With a clear line of sight

30 m

With a clear line of sight

Max of readable tags


300 300
Scan frequency Continuous



Asset Enters Range

~1 min

2 min. if speed > 8 km/h

15 min. if  speed < 8 km/h

2 min. if ignition ON

15 min. if ignition OFF

Asset Exits Range (Asset leaving the gateway range)

~1 min 30 min 30 min

Gateway offline

If no tag is present (only for TU gateways)

~5 min 20 min

20 min

Temperature (Working)

0°C to +70°C -20°C to +55°C (or +60°C with external/internal DC supply, without affecting backup battery performance).

-20°C to +55°C (or +60°C with external/internal DC supply, without affecting backup battery performance).

Temperature (Storage)

-20°C to +70°C -40°C to +70°C

-40°C to +70°C


Note: When the vehicle's residual battery level is reached, the Vehicle and Telematics Gateways enter sleep mode (no scanning and update to the cloud every hour). The vehicle battery is never completely depleted.

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