Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Mobile
In this article, we will describe how you can validate asset and quantity items using the Local Inventory feature on the mobile app. With that, you can manually validate the location of an asset so that it appears as "found" (instead of not found). This can be done through manual checks, barcodes, or Bluetooth scanning.
- Open and login to your ON!Track mobile application
- Click on "Inventory", then "Local Inventory" and select the required field (Location, Employee, Storage Asset)
- Click on a required location, open the "Not Found" bucket
- After that, you can differentiate between "Assets" and "Quantity items"
For Assets:
- Click on the three dots and select "Manual Check" to validate the asset. The asset will be moved from "Not found" to "Found".
For the "Not Found" dropdown:
View Asset Details: Check detailed information about the asset.
Manual Check: Perform a manual validation.
Close: Close the dropdown
In the "Found" bucket, you can view assets identified through Bluetooth, barcode scanning, and manual checks.
For the "Found" bucket dropdown:
- View Asset Details: Check detailed information about the asset.
- Move to Not Found: Reclassify the asset to the "Not Found" bucket.
- Close: Close the dropdown.
For Quantity Items:
- Click on the three dots and select "Validate Quantity Item" to validate the quantity items.. The asset will be moved into the "Found" bucket.
For the "Not Found" bucket:
View Asset Details: Check detailed information about the quantity items.
Validate Quantity Item: Perform validation for quantity items.
Close: Close the dropdown
- Update the "Stock quantity item" and click on "Done".
In the "Found" bucket, you can view quantity items identified through barcode scanning, and manual checks.
For the "Found" bucket:
- View Quantity Item Details: Check detailed information about the quantity items.
- Edit stock Quantity: modify and update the quantity stocks.
- Remove from Found: Reclassify the quantity items to the "Not Found" bucket.
- Close: Close the dropdown
This process applies to all three categories: locations, employees, and storage assets. You should follow the same steps for managing attributes for employees and storage assets.
As a user, you have two options to do an inventory check:
1) Smart inventory: Inventory is automatically checked through any of our Gateway solutions (e.g., Van Gateway). If you are interested in checking Smart Inventory, please check: How to check Smart inventory on the web platform
2) Local Inventory: Inventory can be done and validated through manual scanning with your Smartphone. If you are interested in checking Local Inventory, please check: How to check Local Inventory
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