How to search Vehicle Gateways (TU-600) and Telematics Gateways (TU-600) in the asset list

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Device: Web

There are several ways to access or search the Vehicle Gateways (TU-600) and Telematics Gateways (TU-600). In this article, we will describe the 'More filters' option.


  1. Login into your ON!Track the web application, and click on Assets.
  2. Select the More filters option, then click on it to view the filter choices.                                                                                   
  3. Scroll down to the Asset Type option.
  4. Mark the check box of your choice, then click the red highlighted check box to apply the filter. Done - you will only see the Vehicle and Telematics Gateways!


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To perform the smart inventory check for Vehicle Gateways and heavy equipment gateways see this article: How to check Smart inventory on the web platform

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