How to add a service template (critical and recurrent)?

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web

You can add, edit, or delete templates in the Administration section and adjust notification settings in the Alert Settings.


  • Click on the "Service Templates" from the tab Administration --> Assets.

  • Here you can view the various Service Templates.

  • Enter the Name, Description, Service Frequency, Notifications, and Attachments. Then, click "Complete" to save the service template.

Note: To create a Critical and Recurrent Service Template, Select the service frequency as "Recurrent"

  • The new Service Template (Critical and Recurrent) will be added to the list.

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To learn more about Asset Service Templates, and how they differ from Asset Templates, please click: What are Asset Service Templates, and how do they differ from Asset Templates?

To learn more about how to add a service template (not critical and one-time), please click: How to add a service template (not critical and one-time)?

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