How to check or send reports on smart Inventory on a mobile application?

  • Updated

Roles: Administrator & Employee | Device: Mobile

With the smart inventory functionality, users can compare which assets are expected to be in a location versus which are actually in that location (e.g., in a warehouse, a van or around a heavy machine). With that, the users easily understand which assets are missing or were found but not supposed to be in that location. 

On top, users can submit reports and share them via email with specified recipients.

Pre-condition: The functionality is only accessible for Pro users who have any Gateway (e.g., Stationary Gateway, Van Gateway, Telematics Gateway) and assets tagged with Bluetooth tags. 


  • Click on the "Inventory" tab



  • Select "gateway inventory" and choose either between Location or a specific storage asset (e.g., Van)

  • Select the required location. Per location, you directly see the inventory check
    • Expected: Which assets are supposed to be in that location?
    • Not found: which assets are supposed to be in that location, but couldn't be found?
    • Found: which assets are supposed to be in that location and could be found?
    • Unexpected: Which assets aren't supposed to be in that location, but could be found?
  • If you click on any of the above categories, you get the details where the assets were last seen (in particular relevant if an asset couldn't be found)


  • Click on "Send Report" for that location. The report will be shared with the requester via email.


  • This process is consistent across all categories: locations and storage assets (container/kit, van, heavy equipment). 

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