Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web, Mobile
Historical utilization for heavy equipment shows past records of how the equipment was used, including working hours, idle time, and engine-off periods.
This data helps you track usage over time and is available for up to 365 days from the current date. Here is an example implementing the same.
The "Idle" legend will only appear if there is idle data received. If no idle data is present, the "Idle" legend will not be shown at the bottom of the chart.
If you are interested to learn how to view and adjust the duration of the utilization summary chart for heavy equipment, please check: How do I view and adjust the duration of the utilization summary chart for heavy equipment?
If you are interested to learn how to view detailed utilization and adjust the duration on the chart to see different date ranges, please check: How do I view detailed utilization and adjust the duration on the chart to see different date ranges?
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