Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web
The Location Hierarchy feature gives you the possibility to organize your company into different locations.
- You can access the hierarchy tab under 'Administration'-->Locations--> Hierarchy.
- Click on 'Delete' to delete a location.
- The selected location will be removed from the hierarchy.
- Deleting a parent Location Group moves all nested locations up one level.
Jobsites or Warehouses can only be deleted if they have no assigned Assets or Quantity Items. To archive or delete a Location, please follow these steps:
Generate an Asset Export and ensure the Location is not included.
Create a Unique Asset Inventory Report and verify that the Location is absent.
If QTY items are used on the account, generate the QTY Item Inventory Report without applying the Status filter. Check that the Location is not listed in the "Current Allocation Name" field. If it is, you will need to transfer any allocations first, even if they are marked as "Consumed."
If the Location still appears in any of the tabs, reports, or exports mentioned above, it must be removed from those before proceeding with the deletion.
Once these steps are completed, the Location should be ready to be archived or deleted.
If you want to move a location within the Hierarchy, please check this article: How to move a location within the location hierarchy?
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