November 2024 - Release note

  • Updated

ON!Track Fleet/Hilti Tool Features

  • Order Fleet Add-ons and Tools on Demand (ON!Track Ready):
    You can now easily order additional fleet tools and tools from Tool on Demand directly through ON!Track, providing you with more flexibility and convenience in managing your tool park.

  • Service and Documentation for Newly Registered Hilti Tools:

    • You can now view historic repair, calibration, and eCheck service data from the last 4 years for your newly registered Hilti tools (ON!Track Ready, Lite and Pro).
    • All related documents, like test certificates, delivery notes, and invoices, are automatically attached for easy access.
    • Upcoming services for your newly registered tools will be scheduled automatically.

Additional improvements

  • Upgraded Employee Import:
    You can now add up to five certificates for each new employee when importing their data. This makes it easier to upload and manage multiple certifications in one go.
  • Increased Character Limit for One-Time Costs:
    The character limit for entering one-time costs of quantity items has been increased. This change will help you handle currencies with larger numerical values without any issues.

Bug Fixes

We are happy to announce that the following bugs have been addressed:

Equipment Management:

  • "Last Seen By" Consistency:
    The "Last Seen By" field now shows "Nuron charger" for self Nuron locations instead of a dash (-).
  • "Last Seen By" Visible in Asset List:
    The "Last Seen By" field is now visible in the Asset List for ON!Track Lite users in the Customized View on the Asset tab.
  • Correct Asset Location Display:
    The issue with incorrect asset locations has been fixed. Assets marked as "not found" will now display the correct location.

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