Roles: Administrator & Employee | Interface: Web
ON!Track allows you to create and use asset templates, simplifying the management of your asset fleet. A Template can be associated with multiple Assets with similar attributes, including manufacturer, model, image, and description. Utilizing templates helps you maintain consistency and efficiency throughout your assets.
- Click on the Administration --> Templates.
- Search and select the required templates and click on "Merge".
- On the next screen, you'll see both templates. You can select the options you want to keep from each template, and in the preview section, on the right side, you can view the selected template options.
- Click on complete once done. You will receive a confirmation pop-up to merge these two templates, click on Merge to merge the two templates.
- You can see the merged template in the template list.
Merging two asset templates will automatically update the linked assets with the new template.
If you want to delete the asset template, you can check: How to delete the asset template?
If you want to edit the asset template, you can check: How to edit asset template?
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